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At Common Table, we believe in empowering the people for ministry. Our leadership is lay-driven: lay persons (non-clergy) co-create our church mission and vision, and everyone has the opportunity to contribute their unique gifts as we work together for the sake of an equitable Richmond. This starts with us sharing leadership, cultivating collaboration, and creating a space where everyone feels valued and empowered to make a difference. Our mission is simple: to cultivate ministers of reconciliation around the table of Jesus Christ.



Jocelyn Brumbaugh | Church Council

Drew Scott | Staff Parish Relations

Will Mears | Finance Committee

Laura Ruxton | Trustees



Drew Willson


Drew's ministry revolves around liturgy, music, and mission. After graduating from UVA and living in Scotland at work with the Iona Community, he attended Candler School of Theology where he met his spouse Shea Tuttle. Drew began serving as a United Methodist minister in 2008, and he's passionate about creating community where people come alive together through story, song, and social action. Drew and Shea love living in Richmond with their two children.


Stephen Poore


Stephen, a native of Richmond, has embarked on global adventures with his former punk rock band, earned a Psychology degree from VCU, and holds a Master's in Divinity from North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois. Passionate about fostering innovative communities, Stephen has dedicated his ministry to church planting in Richmond. Together with his spouse Devin and children, they call Richmond home.


Our trustees serve as responsible stewards of the church's property, ensuring they are used safely, faithfully, and effectively to benefit our community and the surrounding city. 

Staff Parish Relations

The SPRC advocates for a strong positive relationship between staff and congregation so that the church can embody its commitment to reconciliation

Finance Committee

The Finance Team is responsible for our church's financial resources. The team works to ensure our assets are managed wisely and ethically. This includes developing the church budget, raising and managing our financial capital, and making informed decisions that empower our church to fulfill its mission.

Church Council

The church council is our administrative body that plans, sets goals, implements, and evaluates ministry to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation.

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